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Justice League #23 (August 2013)
Flash #23
(August 2013)
Green Arrow #23
(August 2013)
Earth 2 #15
(August 2013)
Green Lantern Corps #22
(July 2013)
Justice League #22
(July 2013)


#1 for $1 - Hellboy (Aug 2010)
#1 for $1 - Usagi
(Aug 2010)
30 Days of Night: Night Again #4 (August 2011)
5 Ronin Wolverine and Hulk Issues (Mar 2011)
7 Days from Hell (Oct 2010)
Abattoir #1 (Oct 2010)
Abattoir #4 (April 2011)
Abyss: Family Issues #1 (Mar 2011)
Action Comics #6 (Feb 2012)
Action Comics #8 (Apr 2012)
After Dark #0 (June 2010)
Ame Comi Batgirl Issues 1 - 3 (July 2012)
Ame Comi Girls #24 (Feb 2013)
Ame-Comi Wonder Woman (June 2012)
Anima Volume 9

Aquaman #0 (October 2012)
Aquaman #5 (Jan 2012)
Aquaman #6 (Feb 2012)

Aquaman #7 (Mar 2012)
Aquaman #8 (Apr 2012)
Aquaman #9 (May 2012)
Aquaman #10 (July 2012)
Aquaman #11 (August 2012)
Aquaman #12 (September 2012)
Aquaman #13 (Nov 2012)
Aquaman #16 (Feb 2013)
Arrow TV Series (October 2012)
Artifacts #2
(Sep 2010)
Astonishing X-Men #50 (June 2012)
Astonishing X-Men #51 (July 2012)
Astonishing X-Men #53 (September 2012)
The Astounding Wolf-Man Volume 1 (June 2011)
The Astounding Wolf-Man Volume 2
(June 2011)
Atomic Robo Deadly Arty of Science #3 (Mar 2011)
Atomic Robo #4 (July 2010)
Atomic Robo Volume 5 #2 (Jan 2011)
Atomic Robo Ghost - Station X (3 of 5) (Nov 2011)
Avenging Spider-Man #9 (July 2012)
Avenging Spider-man #10 (August 2012)
Avenging Spider-man #16 (Jan 13)
Avengers #3 (Jan 13)
Avengers #5 (Feb 2013)
Avengers #6 (March 2013)
Avengers vs X-Men #0 (Mar 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #1 (Apr 2012)

Avengers vs X-Men #2 (Apr 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #3 (May 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #4 (May 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #5 (June 2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men #6 (June 2012)

Avengers vs X-Men #7 (July 2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men #8 (July 2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men #9 (August 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #10 (September 2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men #11 (September 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men #12 (October 2012)
Avengers vs X-Men Infinite
(Apr 2012)
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite #2 (July 2012)
The Avengers #21 (Jan 2012)
The Avengers #25 (Apr 2012)
The Avengers #27 (June 2012)
The Avengers #30 (September 2012)
Batgirl #0
(September 2012)
Batgirl #6
(Feb 2012)
Batgirl #7 (Mar 2012)
Batgirl #8 (Apr 2012)
Batgirl #9 (May 2012)
Batgirl #10 (June 2012)
Batgirl #11 (July 2012)
Batgirl #12 (August 2012)
Batgirl #13 (October 2012)
Batgirl #16 (Jan 13)
Batgirl #17 (Feb 2013)
Batman Annual #1 (June 2012)
Batman #0 (September 2012)
Batman #5 (Jan 2012)
Batman #6 (Feb 2012)
Batman #7 (March 2012)
Batman #8 (Apr 2012)
Batman #9 (June 2012)
Batman #10 (June 2012)
Batman #11 (July 2012)
Batman #13 (October 2012)
Batman #16 (Jan 13)
Batman #17 (Feb 2013)
Batman: Arkham Asylum #1 (May 2011)
Batman and Robin #6 (Feb 2012)
Batman and Robin #7 (Mar 2012)
Batman and Robin #10 (June 2012)
Batman and Robin #12 (August 2012)
Batman and Robin #16 (Jan 13)
Batman and Robin #17 (Feb 2013)
Batman Dark Knight #5
(Jan 2012)
Batman Dark Knight #6 (Mar 2012)
Batman Dark Knight #7 (Apr 2012)
Batman Dark Knight #8 (May 2012)
Batman Dark Knight #9 (June 2012)
Batman INC #3 (Nov 2012)
Batman INC #4 (Nov 2012)
Batman Inc #8 (March 2013)
Batwing #6 (Feb 2012)
Batwing #7 (Mar 2012)
Batwing #8 (Apr 2012)
Batwing #9 (May 2012)
Batwing #11 (July 2012)
Batwoman #0 (September 2012)
Batwoman #6
(Feb 2012)
Batwoman #7 (Mar 2012)
Batwoman #8 (Apr 2012)
Batwoman #9 (May 2012)
Batwoman #10 (June 2012)
Batwoman #11 (August 2012)
Batwoman #12 (August 2012)
Batwoman #13 (October 2012)
Batwoman #16 (Jan 13)
Batwoman #17 (Feb 2013)
Battle of Destiny Graphic Novel (Apr 2011)
Battle Pope Volume 1 - Genesis (June 2011)
Battle Pope Volume 2 - Mayhem
(June 2011)
Billy The Kid’s Old Timey Oddities and the
Birds of Prey #5 (Jan 2012)
Birds of Prey #6 (Feb 2012)
Black Beetle #2 (Feb 2013)
Black Dynamite: Slave Island #1 (Apr 2011)
Blue Agave & Worm Graphic novel (Dec 2010)
Blue Estate #2  (May 2011)
Bonnie Lass (Jan 2011)
Bonnie Lass #2 (Mar 2011)
Bonnie Lass #3 (April 2011)
Bonnie Lass #3 of 4 (Dec 2011)
'Breed III #1 (May 2011)
Caligula #1 (Apr 2011)
The Cape #1 (August 2011)
Captain Marvel #1 (August 2012)
Captain Marvel #2 (August 2012)
Captain Marvel #3 (September 2012)
Captain Marvel #4 (October 2012)
Captain Marvel #9 (Jan 13)
Carbon Grey #1
(Mar 2011)
Charismagic #0 (Jan 2011)
Charismagic #1 (Mar 2011)
Claymore 8

Claymore 12 (November 09)
Cobra Civil War: GI Joe #1 (May 2011)
Cobra G.I. Joe: Cobra Civil War #0 (August 2011)
Critical Millennium #2 (Sep 2010)
Critical Millennium #3 (Jan 2011)
CVO 100 Page Spectacular #1 (May 2011)
Cyclops #1
(Jan 2011)
Cyclops #2 (Jan 2011)
Cyclops #3 (Feb 2011)
Cyclops #7 (Dec 2011)
The Darkness: Four Horsemen #1 (Aug 2010)

Daomu #1 (Feb 2011)
Daomu #2 (Mar 2011)
Daredevil #1 (August 2011)
Daredevil #9 (Feb 2012)
Daredevil #10 (Apr 2012)
Daredevil #13 (May 2012)
Daredevil #18 (September 2012)
Daredevil #22 (Jan 13)
Daredevil #23 (March 2013)
The Dark Knight #12
(September 2012)
Dark Knight #16 (Feb 2013)
Days Missing: Kestus (Dec 2010)
Days Missing: Kestus #3 (Feb 2011)
Days Missing: Kestus #4 (Mar 2011)
Detective Comics #3 (July 2012)
Detective Comics #6
(Feb 2012)
Detective Comics #7 (Apr 2012)
Detective Comics #9 (May 2012)
Detective Comics #10 (June 2012)
Detective Comics #16 (Jan 13)
Detective Comics #17 (Feb 2013)
Doc Macabre #1 (July 2011)
Doctor Who Classics: The Seventh Doctor #5 (August 2011)
Domo the Manga
(October 09)
Dr. Horrible TPB (Sep 2010)
Driver for the Dead #2 (Sep 2010)
Driver for the Dead #3 (Feb 2011)
Driver for the Dead #3 (Feb 2011)
Deus Ex #3 (April 2011)
Dream Reavers #1 (August 2011)
Dungeons & Dragons Legacy Edition (August 2011)
Earp: Saints and Sinners #1 (Jan 2011)
Earth 2 #0 (September 2012)
Earth-2 #1
(May 2012)

Earth 2 #2 (June 2012)
Earth 2 #3 (July 2012)
Earth 2 #4 (August 2012)
Earth 2 #5 (October 2012)
Earth 2 #8 (Jan 2013)
Earth 2 #9 (Feb 2013)
Earth 2 #15 (August 2013)
Echoes #1 (Jan 2011)
Existence 2.0/3.0 (Sep 2010)
Fathom: Blue Descent #1 (Sep 2010)
Fathom Blue Descent #2 (Jan 2011)
FF #3 (Jan 2013)
FF #4 (Mar 2013)
Firestorm #6 (Mar 2012)
Firestorm #7 (Mar 2012)
Firestorm #8 (Apr 2012)
Five Senses #0 (July 2011)
Flash #0 (October 2012)
The Flash #5 (Jan 2012)
Flash #6 (Feb 2012)
Flash #7 (Apr 2012)
Flash #9 (June 2012)
Flash #10 (July 2012)
Flash #11 (August 2012)
Flash #12 (September 2012)
Flash #13 (Nov 2012)
Flash #23 (August 2013)
Full Metal Alchemist 19

Fury of Firestorm #5 (Jan 2012)
Firestorm #9 (May 2012)
Firestorm #10 (July 2012)
FVZA (June 2010)
Gambit #1 (August 2012)
Gambit #2 (September 2012)
Gambit #3 (October 2012)
Gambit #4 (Nov 2012)
Ghastly Fiend of London #1
(Sep 2010)
Gladstone's School for World Conquerors #1 (May 2011)
Green Arrow #23 (August 2013)
Green Lantern #0
(September 2012)
Green Lantern #6 (Feb 2012)
Green Lantern #7 (Mar 2012)
Green Lantern #8 (Apr 2012)
Green Lantern #9 (May 2012)
Green Lantern #11 (August 2012)
Green Lantern #12 (August 2012)
Green Lantern #13 (October 2012)
Green Lantern #16 (Jan 2013)
Green Lantern #17 (March 2013)
Green Lantern Corps #22 (July 2013)
Green Lantern Annual #1
(September 2012)
Green Lantern Corps #5 (Jan 2012)
Green Lantern Corps #6 (Feb 2012)
Green Lantern New Guardians #5
(Jan 2012)
Green Lantern New Guardians #6 (Mar 2012)
Green Lantern New Guardians #7 (Apr 2012)
Green Lantern New Guardians #8 (May 2012)
Green Lantern New Guardians #11 (August 2012)
Green Wake #2 
(May 2011)
Halo: Fall of Reach (Sep 2010)
Hawk & Dove #6 (Feb 2012)
Hawk & Dove #8 (Apr 2012)
Hawkeye #1 (August 2012)
That Hellbound Train #3 (August 2011)

Herc #1 (April 2011)
Hit Monkey #2 (Aug 2010)
Huntress #5 (Feb 2012)
Huntress #6 (Mar 2012)
Hybrid Bastards! (July 2010)
Image Firsts Wanted (Sep 2010)
The Intrepids #1 (Mar 2011)
Invincible Volume One: Family Matters (June 2011)
Invincible Volume Two: Eight is Enough (July 2011)
Iron Saints Collection 1 (Aug 2010)
Jinnrise #1 (Jan 13)
Judo Girl #1 (Mar 2011)
Jurassic Park
(July 2010)
Justice League #0 (October 2012)
Justice League #1
Justice League #5 (Jan 2012)
Justice League #6 (Mar 2012)
Justice League #7 (Mar 2012)
Justice League #8 (Apr 2012)
Justice League #9 (May 2012)
Justice League #10 (July 2012)
Justice League #11 (July 2012)
Justice League #12 (September 2012)
Justice League #16 (Jan 2013)
Justice League #17 (Feb 2013)
Justice League #22 (July 2013)
Justice League #23 (August 2013)
Justice League: Generation Lost #24
(May 2011)
Justice League (Shazam) (March 2012)
Justice League International #9 (May 2012)
Justice League International #10 (June 2012)
Justice League International #12 (August 2012)
The Killer Modus Vivendi Hardcover Collection
Lady Mechanika #1 (Dec 2010)
Lady Mechanika #3 (Dec 2010)
The Last Days of American Crime
(Sep 2010)

Legends the Enchanted #0 (July 2010)
Lucid #01 (Sep 2010)
Lucid #3 (Feb 2011)
Magdalena #3 (Sep 2010)
Marksmen #1 (July 2011)
Marvel Now! (Ant-Man) Point One (Nov 2012)

Marvel Universe vs. The Punisher #1
(Aug 2010)
Minimum Carnage Alpha Issue (October 2012)
Missing Linx Graphic Novel (April 2011)
The Mission #4 (May 2011)
Moriarty #1 (May 2011)
Moriarty #7 (Dec 2011)

Morning Glories #2 (Sep 2010)
Morning Glories #3 (Oct 2010)
Netherworld #1 (May 2011)
The New 52 FCBD (May 2012)
New Avengers #2 (Jan 13)
New Avengers #21 (Feb 2012)
New Avengers #22 (Mar 2012)
New Avengers #24 (Apr 2012)
New Avengers #28 (July 2012)
New Avengers #30 (September 2012)
Nightwing #0 (September 2012)
Nightwing #5
(Jan 2012)
Nightwing #6 (Feb 2012)
Nightwing #7 (March 2012)
Nightwing #8 (Apr 2012)
Nightwing #9 (June 2012)
Nightwing #10 (June 2012)
Nightwing #11 (August 2012)
Nosferatu (Nov 2010)
Nonplayer #1 (Apr 2011)
New Avengers #3 (Feb 2013)
New Avengers #29 (August 2012)
Okko the Cycle of Air #3 (Sep 2010)
Okko: The Cycle of Air Hardcover Collection
Orpheus (Dec 2010)

Pilot Season: 39 Minutes (Sep 2010)
Pilot Season Asset #1 (Sep 2010)
Pilot Season Forever #1 (Oct 2010)
Pocket God #1 (Oct 2010)

Radical Premier Mata Hari (Sep 2010)
Red Spike #1  (May 2011)
RPM #3
(Mar 2011)

Moon Girl #1 (Feb 2011)
Nana Volume 5
Nosferatu (Nov 2010)
The Ray #2 (Jan 2012)
The Ray #3 (Mar 2012)
Redhood and the Outlaws #9 (May 2012)
Red Lanterns #6 (Feb 2012)
Red Lanterns #7 (Mar 2012)
The Royal Historian of Oz TPB (July 2011)
Samurai Blood #3 (August 2011)
Savage Hawkman #9 (June 2012)
Scarlet Spider #2
(Feb 2012)
Scarlet Spider #3 (Mar 2012)
Scarlet Spider #5 (May 2012)
Scarlet Spider #6 (June 2012)
Scarlet Spider #8 (August 2012)
Scarlet Spider #10 (October 2012)
Scarlet Spider #13 (Jan 2013)
Scarlet Spider #14 (Feb 2013)
Science Dog Special #1 (Aug 2010)
The Scrouge #0 (July 2010)
Secret Avengers #26 (May 2012)
The Secret Avengers #27 (May 2012)
Secret Avengers #28 (July 2012)
Serenity #1 for $1 (Sep 2010)
The Scrouge #1 (Sep 2010)
The Scourge #2 (Nov 2010)
The Scourge #4 (Mar 2011)
Skullkickers #2 (Nov 2010)  
Shinku #1 (July 2011)
Scarlet Spider #1 (Jan 2012)
Star Trek the Manga: Uchu (Manga)

Star Trek the Manga Ultimate Edition (Manga)
Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command #1 (Feb 2011)
Super Dinosaur #1 (April 2011)
Superior Spider-Man #1 (Jan 2013)
Superior Spider-Man #3 (Feb 2013)
Superman #13 (Nov 2012)
Syndrome Graphic Novel
(Sep 2010)
Tactics Volume 1

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (August 2011)
Terminator (1984) #2 (Sep 2010)
Those With Wings 5 (Manga)
Time Bomb #2 (Sep 2010)
Time Bomb #3 (Jan 2011)
True Blood: Tainted Love #1-6 (August 2011)
Uncanny Avengers #1 (October 2012)
Uncanny Avengers #4 (March 2013)
Uncanny X-Force #1 (Jan 2013)
Uncanny X-Men #1 (Feb 2013)
Uncanny X-Men #5 (Jan 2012)
Uncanny X-Men #8 (Mar 2012)
Uncanny X-Men #9 (March 2012)
Uncanny X-Men #13 (June 2012)
Uncanny X-Men #18 (September 2012)
Uncanny X-Men #19 (October 2012)
Undying Love #1 
(May 2011)
Undying Love #2 (May 2011)
The Vault #1 (August 2011)
Velocity #1 (June 2010)
Velocity #2 (Sep 2010)
Velocity #3 (Jan 2011)
Velocity #4 (April 2011)
VS #1 (May 2012)
VS #2 (May 2012)
VS #4 (July 2012)
The Walking Dead Volume 1: Days Gone
(June 2011)
The Walking Dead Volume 2: Miles Behind Us
(June 2011)
Warcraft Legends Volume Three (Manga)
We Kill Monsters (July 2010)
Witchblade Due Process (Aug 2010)
Wolverine and the X-Men #9 (Apr 2012)
Wolverine and the X-Men #11 (June 2012)
Wolverine and the X-Men #12 (July 2012)
Wolverine and the X-Men #13 (July 2012)
Wolverine and the X-Men #23 (Jan 2013)
Wonder Woman #0
(October 2012)
Wonder Woman #12 (August 2012)
Wonder Woman #13 (Nov 2012)
World's Finest #0
(September 2012)
World's Finest #1
(May 2012)
World's Finest #2 (June 2012)
World's Finest #3 (July 2012)
World's Finest #4 (August 2012)
World's Finest #5 (October 2012)
Wynonna Earp: The Yeti Wars #1
(May 2011)
X-Factor #243 (September 2012)
X-Men #24 (Feb 2012)
X-Men Legacy #260.1 (Jan 2011)
X-Men Legacy #261 (Jan 2012)
X-Men Legacy #266 (May 2012)
X-Men #267 (June 2012)
X-Men Legacy #269
(July 2012)
X-Men #270 (August 2012)
Young Justice #3 (April 2011)
Young Romance #1 (Feb 2013)


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