07:40 pm in Gotham City. Talk about wrong
time and place. During his stay in America, Batwing finds himself
tackling one of the Talons rampaging the city; but this is no
cookie-cutter, random Talon; Judd Winick takes the time to build a
history and a distinctiveness to the assassin, which gives the fight
much more significance. Despite having its main character in a foreign
land, the story has a subplot that anchors it to the ongoing theme of
the book.

While the first half of the issue is mostly
setup, the second half is all-out action, and that works out well,
because it makes it a self-contained story even though it is part of a
crossover. This issue also marks the debut of artist Marcus To in the
series; and boy, is his work a welcome sight. After his successful run
in the Huntress mini-series, To brings his talent to the pages of
Batwing without disappointing. Let's hope this is a long stint because
once he gets acclimated to the title, his pencils will be stunning.