The lid is lifted on
the Indigo Tribe's can, and it is indeed infested with ugly,
psychotic worms. Sinestro's transformation takes him back to a very
emotional moment in his life, while Hal Jordan discovers the truth
behind the the Indigo ring bearers. There is no shocking revelation
here, as Johns has been slowly but surely hinting at the big secret;
he just puts the pieces together in a cohesive and logical manner.

There is a reason
why this story is being told after big events like "Blackest Night"
and "War of the Green Lanterns," the purpose of this Corps can truly
define the fate of the universe. Once again, Doug Mahnke shines with
intricate and beautiful panels, while Alex Sinclair rocks the colors
to create a damp, cold, and scary place in the world of Nok. Yup...
Nok! Then there's those damn Guardians; truly unlikeable little
midgets. Fantastic issue.