What on Earth or hell is
Domo or a Domo? After reading this strange, bizarre yet entertaining
story, it involves some kind of creature who runs at quite a
primitive level and when something gets into his mind, he or it
becomes obsessed with it. Uh-oh!
Apparently Domo has achieved cult status
in Japan and it's easy to see why as not only is Domo the most
oddest and strangest one-dimensional character that I have
encountered, some of the stories are actually quite humourous and
best of all, it's all about some brilliant artwork with hardly any dialogue.
Domo has friends or more specifically
acquaintances who is hangs
around with such as Mr. Usaji the bunny and unfortunately for him, Domo
makes his life hell. One story involves superheroes and when Domo
gets it in his head that he is a superhero, he believes that everyone
else is a super villain and he begins to misuse his superhero
strength with some hilarious results.
Of course with Domo,
everything ends well for this strange creature, however often his
friends are in bandages or he has broken things like their gaming
consoles. The situations are quite humourous indeed.
Although Domo was original created by Tsuneo Goda, Domo
the Manga is a western interpretation of the character by Clint
Bickham who is joined by some wonderful artists that include Rem,
Sonia Leong, Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges.
The artwork really
compliments these short and fun stories which can be read by
everyone and as like me, they will be scratching their heads at the end.
Cute perfectly sums up Domo the Manga!