The New Avengers
hiding from authorities at Dr. Strange's sanctum sanctorum; Jessica
Jones abandoning Luke Cage and taking the baby with her; Captain
America about to be tried by the government; Norman Osborn turning
everyone against the team; villains becoming Dark Avengers. Just
because he wrote these storylines years ago, does not mean Bendis is
excused for rehashing them so shamelessly.

Another tired plot
is that one of the double and triple agents; just like when Spider
Woman was working for Nick Fury pretending to work for Hydra
pretending to work for the New Avengers, but was really Skrull Queen
Veranke, we have a similar pattern with Victoria Hand, who despite
being a breakout character back in the day, has now fallen victim of
bad writing. Then there's Skaar, son of Hulk. What saves this issue?
Mike Deodato's work.