Back from France
after their brief team-up with the Firestorms, the JLI returns home
to face the gruesome realities that await them there: a dead
comrade, three more hanging to life by a thread, and a dangerous
anarchist organization threatening with finishing the job they
successfully started. Narrated by August General in Iron, the story
shows Guy Gardner's softer side, elaborates on Batwing and Vixen's
connection, and continues developing Godiva's clumsy infatuation
with Booster Gold.

Even the bad guys get some characterization without robbing the
issue of any action. Lopresti, Ryan, and Hi-Fi deliver another
clean, sharp, and vivid installment; their panels are neat, and with
just the right amount of detail where is needed; not too much, not
too little. It is unfortunate that a series with such a diverse cast
is coming to an end; it just sends the wrong message.