David Graves'
journey into villainy takes him into direct collision with the
Justice League, and boy, does he pull a number on them. While the
story of his transformation smoothly runs parallel to his
confrontation with the big seven, is the League itself that hits a
strange narrative bump. True, this is the second arc of their title,
but also looks and feels like their second adventure ever. Why after
five years of being just the seven of them it's like they don't know
each other at all? It goes in direct contradiction with their
staying together for so long.

The shared inking
duties were quite detrimental to the book; it is easy to tell where
Scott Williams is putting his magic touch and where not; some of the
pages do a disservice to Jim Lee's pencils. With that said, there
are beautiful panels as well, like the one with Aquaman lifting the
ship, Batman debriefing the team, or the guys charging at Graves.
Despite the flaws in the issue, the story is a good conduit to
explore the heroes' losses and emotional wounds.