"The Madness"
confronts Batman with Tweedledum, Tweedledee, and the Mad Hatter
after several Gotham citizens are compelled into committing
atrocious acts. The issue opens with a gruesome tone, but once the
Hatter's involvement is revealed, it takes a somewhat campy
approach. The book felt improvised and put together at the last
minute: the "Wonderland" announced in solicitations was not
addressed, White Rabbit, who was featured in the cover did not
appear, and overall, it seemed to set the stage for the "Night of
the Owls" tie-in.

The ongoing subplot
involving Jim Gordon is reaching an intriguing point, though. It
isn't until he actually voices all the things he's had to put up
with that one wonders how much longer this guy will be able to keep
it together before he breaks. Ed Benes did a great job, especially
giving these bad guys -who are so hard to take seriously- a creepy