X-Men Legacy enters
the "Regenesis" era with Christos Gage as its new writer, with a
football game, and with Rogue and company settling in at the Jean
Grey School for Higher Learning as full time faculty. Using an
N'Garai invasion as the catalyst, the issue's purpose is to define
this team's role going forward. Rogue has become not just a mentor,
but also a protector to the children at the school, and her promise
is to ensure that they get the full academic experience with some
sense of normalcy; the closest thing to an impossible task.

The story also
touches briefly on the Guthrie siblings, and has huge developments
for Frenzy and Gambit. The pencils by David Baldeon are average, but
are enhanced by nice ink and color work. Nothing says "filler issue"
like a "point one" book, so perhaps it was not the best idea for it
to be the new creative team's inaugural issue; however, new readers
will find it easy to come on board, as characters and situations are
nicely introduced.