If you only buy one graphic novel this
year, although why you’d restrict yourself like that I don’t know,
then you should give some serious consideration to Nick Percival’s
Legends: The Enchanted.
From the stunning artwork that manages
to make such ugly and disgusting creatures in a crazy steampunk and
magic influenced world look beautiful, to the imaginative and
thrilling story Legends is indeed a legendary comic from
cover to cover.
Percival takes something with which
many of us are familiar and in fact grew up with, fairy tales,
throws them into a blender filled with awesome, adds a good dose of
‘oh snap’, and presents us with Legends.

Your favorite fairy tale characters
like Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel, Goldilocks, Jack from Jack and the
Beanstalk and Pinocchio, to name a few, are not actually fairy tales
anymore. They are real and they are the Enchanted, a group of
outlaws, mercenaries, bounty hunters and warriors who have been
charmed by ancient magic so they are free from harm. They live in a
strange land where magic and technology mix and evil creatures roam
free. They use their powers to protect the people of this land,
although it’s not a wholly noble pursuit. The Enchanted operate
without a care in the world as they know they can’t die, but when
Pinocchio is found dead they begin to worry that someone is trying
to kill them all.
The story is surprisingly open. From
the get go you are presented with the bad guys and their ultimate
goals. There’s no real mystery to the story but that’s not exactly a
bad thing. It’s quite a thrilling story as you know how big the
stakes are, you know the risks and this really draws you in. You
want to know whether the Enchanted will be able to band together and
stop their deaths, and this desire for knowledge is fueled by the
comic’s blistering pace. It’s roughly 100 pages long but there’s so
much happening and Percival doesn’t let you catch your breath for a
Percival really focuses on the action
in Legends and you get the sense that they are fairy tale
superheroes, just with a more ruthless mentality and living in a far
more messed up world. There is plenty of backstabbing and deceit to
make the villains seem like villains. When the Squire shows his
hand, after being asked “This is a ruse, yes?” in reference to his
dealings with the Hag, you’re not surprised by his answer. Also
Percival isn’t afraid to shed a little blood on the good guys’ side
and this makes the threat to the Enchanted seem very real and very
dangerous. You don’t discount for a second that most, if not all of
them could die.
The world Percival has created is just
so cool. It’s rather odd seeing someone like Rapunzel using her hair
to break the necks of demonic foes, yet Percival has created such a
rich and believable world that you can’t imagine Rapunzel doing
anything else with such long hair. Legends is the type of
world that sucks you in and makes you feel a part of what’s going
on. This sense of immersion is aided by each of the Enchanted
possessing unique traits and something of a unique job. Jack kills
giants, Red Riding Hood wolves, Goldilox is a gun for hire who gives
her money to the poor. Apart from blowing you away when you first
see these fairy tale characters, their varying lives send you to
different locations where you meet a diverse group of people, get to
know the characters a little bit and get a sense that this is a
fully developed world. The one criticism is that Percival has maybe
cast his net too wide and tried to incorporate too many characters.
The deaths and other events are shocking because you know the
characters from your childhood but you don’t really feel for them
within the context of the story because you don’t get a chance to
become properly attached to their new form.
A lot of what makes Percival’s world
seem so cool is his brilliant artwork. The pages don’t just look
like pages in a comic but a series of paintings; such is the skill
with which the images have been crafted. The Squire comments that
the world is diseased and you can see that in Percival’s art. The
world looks dirty; it looks like its dying. Everything is very dark,
colors are muted and there’s a haze that covers the world. The
monsters are also some of the coolest and most twistedly disgusting
I’ve ever seen. For instance, the Razorhead gangs actually have
razors in their head while the Hag looks like she is slowly dying.
They look menacing and twisted and there’s something about their
skin, with its variety of colors and random bulges that makes your
skin crawl. The Enchanted look great although some are more
recognizable than others. Red’s red hood was a standout as it was
often sweeping through the panel like it had a life of its own. The
novel is gory and violent and awesome. Watching Jack or Red killing
wolves and giants with glee and ease it just awesome and Red’s
returning sickle is a classic piece of comic book weaponry.
I cannot praise Legends: The
Enchanted enough. It pulls you in, sits you down and assaults
your senses the whole way through. Before you have a chance to come
up for air before you realize you’ve finished it. After that you’ll
just want to flick through the pages and marvel at the superb
artwork, which is some of the best you will ever see. Seriously, buy
this book!