Ron Marz’s Velocity series is edging ever
closer to the finish line with issue 3. The series has been pretty
stellar so far and issue 3 manages to keep up the pace.

Carin Taylor is Velocity and if she doesn’t apply
an antidote to herself and the members of Cyberforce in sixty
minutes they’ll all die. If that’s not hard enough (the team is
located all over the world) the evil Dr. Erasmus Paine (the infector
of Cyberforce) has sent many mechanical minions to slow Carin down.
Issue 3 sees Carin racing to save Cyberforce
members Ripclaw and Dominique. As you’d expect Carin is involved in
plenty of action in this issue and Marz’s sense of pace is
brilliant. There are lulls in the fighting to draw the reader in and
then Marz hits you with something big, like the end of issue 3 that
you would not have expected. In the end Marz’s control of the story
just gives you more reason to come back to the series as he’s set up
the finale really well.
With his writing he also manages to find the
right blend of the serious and the fun. Marz finds time to let Carin
make a few witty remarks but they never feel inappropriate or
ill-timed and there’s never too many to change the serious focus of
the story instead as more of a reinforcement of Carin’s generally
easy-going personality.
The artwork continues to be stellar. I do not
think there is a better drawn and colored series at the moment than
Velocity. I was a bit shocked to see Venice looking very much
like Venice, I expected everything to look more hi-tech and
futuristic considering Paine and Velocity but the city still looked
great. The last page of this issue is probably going to stick with
me for quite sometime, it’s a powerful image.
It’s really hard to fault Marz’s Velocity
series. The writing is great, the characters are interesting, the
action comes thick and fast while holding a few surprises and the
artwork is simply stunning. If you haven’t started reading this
series then you really need to get on it!