Huntress makes her
move against the big bad guy in the penultimate chapter of her
mini-series. With disguises, explosions, gas bombs, masks, and
stealth, this was the "Mission Impossible" issue of the run, and it
was a task she was happy to accept. Strategically removing one by
one all those in service of the "Chairman," Huntress finally reached
her target to exact justice, but just exactly what kind of justice,
remains to be seen.

Now the larger
picture. This title has become much bigger than itself, and like
mist that clears to reveal the road, some of the internal dialogue
in the issue confirms it. It is expected that the finale of this
mini will open the gates to the fantastic world of Earth Two and its
rich history, and whether it was originally planned that way by DC
or not, the execution has been flawless. Huntress is the harbinger
of a new era in the universe of the New 52 and way beyond.