After a couple of
standalone installments, Detective follows up on the events of the
arc that ran in issues 4-6. After a disturbing incident in Gotham's
business district, Batman follows the clues to Hugh Marder, who had
been introduced earlier in the series, and whose character has been
slowly simmering to reach what seems to be a significant development
in this issue.

The Cape Crusader
also comes face to face with Mr. Toxic, one of Penguin's associates
who first appeared in issue #5 as Gas Man. Whether this change in
name is accidental or intentional, remains to be seen, but the
presence of this retro looking villain -as well as Ed Benes'
modified style- brings out the vintage feel of the book. The only
objection with this issue was the part involving Bruce and
Charlotte; maybe there will be more to her story later on, but this
interim resolution was definitely weak.