A secret chapter of
Gotham's past is revealed in "Bloodlines," and told from quite an
unexpected point of view: that of a Talon's. Connected directly to
the crisis in Batman #8, Nightwing enters into the "Night of the
Owls" by responding to Alfred's distress call and rushing to City
Hall to protect Mayor Hady. The entire issue switches back and forth
between events that took place over a century ago, and those
occurring the night the Talons strike; both equally compelling and

Eddy Barrows
illustrates the whole story with intricate and detailed traces;
particularly worthy of mention are those of the flashback sequences.
Drawing clothing and architecture for a period piece has to be
extremely challenging, and Rod Reis' colors are the perfect
complement to provide the right ambiance. With a double cliffhanger,
this issue helps build the momentum of the New 52's first major