As expected, The
Avengers continues its run as the title for preludes, tie-ins, and
aftermaths. Under the banner "Shattered Heroes", the book is riding
on the fumes of "Fear Itself" for as long as possible before
switching to the "A vs. X" lane. This story is a repetition of last
issue's events: Spider Woman and Hawkeye had fallen; here, there is
more of the same. Storm and the Hulk had fallen as well; here, there
is more of the same. Noh-Varr had been defeated by Iron Man; here,
there is more of the same.

The only
non-repetitive sequence featured Captain America, and that took half
the issue to be told, in what was the most blatant intentional waste
of space just to be done with the 20 pages for this month; the story
did not advance an inch. It was evident this issue was just filler
to make time in preparation for the next big thing. Considering he
is very talented, the art by Renato Guedes was way below average.
Terrible issue overall.