This issue of GLC
takes a militaristic approach as Guy Gardner assembles a squadron
composed of badasses to rescue John Stewart and the other captured
lanterns from the Keepers. Although the story by Peter J. Tomasi is
more of a set up for what's to come next, it does a nice job in
showing the development of group dynamics, and the different phases
of Guy's plan as it comes together. Also, a nice double spread
explains the origin of the Keepers in a clean and simple manner,
without overcomplicating things.

Fernando Pasarin's pencils are extremely detailed, yet, he manages
not to make the panels seem saturated or busy, while Gabe Eltaeb
with his colors achieves a balanced palette despite all the green he
is forced to work with. With a cinematic feel to it, "Mean Machine"
is the best issue of the series thus far, and with strong ties to
the Guardians' next big move -The Third Army- this installment is
the one that clearly shows the title has found a solid footing.