She has controlled
the power of the Phoenix, she's been a hound, Mother Askani, Marvel
Girl, a Starjammer, a teacher, a Summers, and now she's ready to
kick some Avenger butt... reluctantly. Jason Aaron gives Rachel Grey
her much deserved 15 minutes in the spotlight fighting the likes of
Wolverine, Captain America, and Thor; but there is more to this
story than the fancy battles and philosophical confrontations. Every
time she believes she has avoided the horrible future she comes
from, something comes up that gets her closer to it; this time,
Cyclops is that something.

Just like Rogue is snapping out of it in Legacy, Rachel is starting
to realize that something is not quite right with her father and his
motivations. It is great to see her as the powerful telepath and
telekinetic she is, instead of just a background figure.
Developments for Angel, Beast, and Iceman round up a strong issue
despite Bachalo's convoluted art. And just where exactly did
Wolverine "pressure point" Kid Gladiator?