Things take a
supernatural turn for Nightwing when Haly's Circus stops in New
Orleans for a show. With a perfect balance between heroics and
characterization (and some motorcycle bragging in between), Kyle
Higgins writes a nice self contained story, while adding another
piece to the overall puzzle that is the current arc. One interesting
fact we learn in this issue is that Etrigan the Demon has not
surfaced in present times -not yet.

The return of Eddy
Barrows to the series is more than welcome; he really outdid himself
in this issue with very intricate and fluid pencils; just in time
for the shocking revelation of the last page: holy mother of crap! I
did not see that one coming. The fifth month seems to be a lucky one
for many of the New 52, and Nightwing #5 is not the exception; "'Til
Death do us Part" is the best issue of the series to date.