Taking place in the
middle of AvX #4, the confrontations in this issue are true head
scratchers. Gambit's acrobatics and smart mouth seem entertaining
enough until he charges Cap's uniform with kinetic energy and makes
him explode. Why would he try to kill Cap, and how did Cap survive
such an attack, we might never know. Steven McNiven's art, however,
is splendid, along with John Dell's fine and detailed ink work.

In Latveria, a
Juggernaut-ed Colossus has to endure Spider-Man's incessant jokes
and sarcasm in what can only be described as an exasperating match.
The humor angle was used and abused in this one, and its contrast
with Colossus' current brooding, evilish self just did not play off
well. Salvador Larroca's talent would have been put to better use on
the Spider-Woman/Dazzler or Mockingbird/Domino scuffles. Not worth
your money.