The Avengers are on
the run and the X-Men have become the hunters. Now, this is more how
AvX should have been written from the start. With very little of the
random fisticuffing, chapter 7 is an extremely focused issue that
brings the Scarlet Witch to the forefront of the battle as a force
to be reckoned with, and even better, as the object of the Phoenix
Five's fears.

Coipel's work is
impeccable; I loved his renditions of Piotr Rasputin and Tony Stark
-who gets bitch-slapped by Black Panther in one of the best moments
of 2012. Nightwing's Cyclops' takeover of the world hits another
bump in the road as two more in his merry little band crack under
the pressure and prove the Avengers right. Someone at Marvel really
doesn't like Hawkeye, otherwise they wouldn't be so mean to him,
which brings me to the not so positive aspect of the book: there is
too much of Disassembled, Civil War, and House of M in it.