The biggest
challenge in front of the Bat-books with the New 52 relaunch was
compressing the bulk of their rich stories into just five years of
new continuity. More specifically, how Batman's sidekicks fit into
this short timeframe has been the apple of discord amongst fans.
Gail Simone took good care of figuring out Batgirl's timeline; in
this issue, Kyle Higgins repeats the same feat by giving Dick
Grayson a neat new start.

The first Robin started his career not as a child, but almost as an
adult, and his motivation does not lie in the heart of tragedy as
Batman's, but rather in the spirit of moving forward. An interesting
aspect of this new Dick Grayson is his ability to read body
language; it is almost his super-power, and another quality that
makes him unique. The dynamic between Batman and his first Robin
seems to indicate theirs was not a long association, which works
just fine within the limited five year period. All in all,
"Perpetual Motion" is a very satisfying tale.