In the third
spotlight issue of this series, the past of Captain Universe's human
host is explored with some help from Shang Chi, the Master of
Kung-Fu. Perhaps because it is not presented in the context of an
Avengers mission or action-heavy sequences, "Zen and the Art of
Cosmology" does not have that wow factor that the previous issue
had, despite being the most emotional of the three stories. On the
other hand, "Zen" allows Shang Chi to have some panel time after
being just a background figure for five installments.

As it was mentioned
in a previous review, the Captain Universe character is too similar
to that of Sentry: extremely powerful heroes with extremely damaged,
fragile hosts; it seems too soon to use the same plot device. One
point this issue wants to make clear is that going forward, readers
and Avengers will be dealing with the Superior Spider-Man, rather
than the Friendly Neighborhood one. Overall, both, writing and art
suffer a bit when compared to the exciting issue dedicated to
Smasher; however, the larger story keeps moving along, which is