The second act of
AvX begins with the return of Professor X in the dawn of the
Phoenix's takeover of the Earth, and the Scarlet Witch joins the
conflict full force by pulling a bold move on the X-Men. The story
also marks the start of Olivier Coipel's stint on the series; his
work is breathtaking, and by far the best part of the issue.

Cyclops continues
digging himself into a dark hole from which there is less and less
hope he will be able to get out of. This slow fall for the character
has been baking in the oven for a couple of years, so since the
writing team is now fully committed to it, let's also hope it will
not be washed away down the road "because he was under the influence
of the Phoenix even before it arrived to Earth."
With so many of the same players, creative team, and story elements,
this sixth chapter does not just resemble or evoke House of M, it IS
indeed House of M all over again. If the intention was to establish
some kind of parallel with that event, to create an opposite
bookend, then it was taken too far; it's just too on the nose.