Placed after AvX #3
and running somewhat parallel to Wolverine and the X-Men #10, this
issue introduces the Jean Grey School faculty to the brawl of the
year. While a couple of staff members are allowed to get more
directly involved in the matter, Rogue and the rest of her team
continue being relegated to mere secondary roles in the overall
battle. No wonder the Avengers have stolen the show so far; with the
most tenured X-Men being used as background characters, it is an
unbalanced fight.

The opening sequence
in this book was great, however; the dramatic flashback scenes serve
as a reminder of Rogue's dark past and how powerful she truly is.
Cargill gets the spotlight too, and her taunting behavior was
written in a manner that did not make her look like the instigator
or the bully in the confrontation. While this was indeed an issue
about X-Men fighting Avengers, it felt completely distant from the
event, and more like a consolation prize for the characters left