"Minimum Carnage"
continues with the first official fight-slash-team-up between Venom
and Scarlet Spider. The main takeaway from this particular issue is
the immense breakthrough Kaine has while fighting an out-of-control
Venom. His recent adventures, the allies he's made, and the warm
welcome he's received from the citizens of Houston, are slowly
turning him from a creature that had nothing to lose, to a man who
is now finding more and more reasons to live.

The dynamic between
both characters plays off nicely, not only in the writing, but also
in the artwork. It turns out that with Khoi Pham's arrival, the
title gains even more energy, adding to the momentum Ryan Stegman
helped build. Thanks to this story, I have been introduced to the
newest incarnation of Venom, and it's one I now care about and plan
to follow; a sign that not all crossovers are evil, and as long as
they don't get out of hand, they open new doors to readers.