Gambit's return to a
life of thievery quickly takes a wrong turn when the relic he stole
releases a creature that invades his chest cavity. While last issue
pictured Remy's mission as no more than a game, this time around
there is a pinch of desperation in his monologue and actions when he
has to steal again. A troubled, less confident Gambit is more
enjoyable than the arrogant Cajun he is depicted like most of the
time; whether this is the result of the creature inside him, or a
new angle Asmus wants to take on the character, remains to be seen.

Compared to the
first issue, the art undergoes a big change: inks and coloring go
for a traditional style rather than the fine lines and watercolors
previously used; there is no detriment to the final product, it is
just not different from everything else anymore. What remains the
same is the fantastic work of Clay Mann, who seems to have found a
specific theme in this title, but more of that next month. Good