It's a match of red
vs. green as Rankorr meets Guy Gardner for the first time. The
battle provides a different point of view to explain what Jack Moore
is going through now that he has become a Red Lantern; Guy had been
in his place not long ago, and he is one of the few who understands
what that feels like; this short appearance by Green Lantern moves
Rankorr's character forward.

There is also an
intriguing development for some of the Sinestro Corps members who
fled after the events in the main Green Lantern title, and it will
be interesting to see what the fate of this group is. Someone who
has not fared well in the last few issues is Atrocitus; he is being
portrayed as a shadow of his former self; this might be an
intentional change introduced by Milligan for story purposes, but it
almost hurts to see the once unstoppable leader of the Red Lanterns
be overtaken by fear and insecurity.