Gotham becomes the
stage for the decisive confrontation between Batwing and the
sanguinary Massacre. This time the attention returns to the titular
character after having it stolen last month by Robin and Nightwing.
Interesting thing about Massacre's true identity, is that probably
many saw it coming, but this was just a distraction, because the
true kicker was the revelation of who was manipulating him. Kudos to
Judd Winick for being able to deliver a strong and unexpected twist
to the story.

This chapter does a
great job with character development, adding more layers to David
and his alter-ego; however, the book suffers in the art department.
Ben Oliver's departure has hurt the overall experience of reading
the series. Now fully integrated into the Bat-family, it looks like
Batwing will stay a while on this side of the pond, and his next
stop is not just exciting, but also consolidates his presence in the