Don't ever say that
perseverance doesn't have its rewards. After working for several
years on a character of his own making, releasing self-published
ashcans, and posting pages and tidbits in his blog, artist Francesco
Francavilla hits the jackpot with the first mini-series for his
creation, The Black Beetle. Debuting in the anthology series "Dark
Horse Presents," The Black Beetle is a mysterious crime fighter
whose adventures are set in the 1940's and take place in the equally
enigmatic Colt City.

"No Way Out," the name of this first mini-series, follows the hero
as he tries to solve the puzzle behind the death of two major mob
families. By making use of the main character's voice to narrate the
story, low-key lighting, dramatic shadow patterns, and Labyrinto, an
antagonist that in many ways represents the almost-alive Colt City,
Francavilla and his award-winning artistic style invoke the most
fascinating elements of the noir period. From the beautifully made
teasers emulating cinema lobby cards, to the captivating pages of
the final product, this one is a must read.