Charismagic #0
One thing I’ll say about Charismagic #0, a
fantasy comic from Aspen Comics, it’s certainly a quick read. Featuring
only half the amount of pages your average comic has you could easily
breeze through this while waiting in line to pay for your comics.
While Charismagic may not be long enough to
make you buy it will it pique your interest for issue #1? Well, if
you’re a fantasy fan and particularly fond of fantasy RPGs, then it
could be one to look out for.
Steeped in the sort of mysticism and magic a lot of
fantasy RPGs are there’s a modern twist that could make it stand out
from the crowd. A powerful, exiled demon has found a way to return to
Earth and is on his way to pretty much bring about the apocalypse. His
return is causing other demons and creatures that had been hiding
amongst the humans to begin to show their true form, further advancing
the march towards chaos. Throw in a Vegas magician and a mysterious
druid who always seems to follow bad luck and that’s the basic premise
of Charismagic.

While Charismagic’s modern setting gives it
some appeal it will have to compete with other modern magic stories like
Archaia’s Lucid as its fast becoming a popular setting. I am very
interested to know more about Hank the Magnificent and his role in the
series and I guess that’s a solid plus for the series. The story is also
laid out pretty clearly and is easy to follow, bad guy came was defeated
and now he’s coming back and there’s only one guy who might be able to
stop him. You certainly get a good idea of what the series is going to
be about and who the main players will be.
Khary Randolph and Emilio Lopez’s combined art and
coloring is quite good. The short issue doesn’t get a chance to show off
any real ‘wow’ pages that take your breath away but it does show a
competent team that has developed a look that’s different to the big two
Marvel and DC yet is still a very clean and defined style. In some books
there’s a problem of characters looking the same and backgrounds losing
their definition but so far Charismagic features a high level of
detail and variation in character design making it an enjoyable book to
look at.
The main issue with Charismagic is it’s so
short but don’t right off the series completely just wait for issue 1
because there are some potentially interesting characters and very nice
artwork in this fantasy series. |