"The Final Curtain"
falls on the first arc of this title, with Batman taking a serious
beating from Bane. This was a very quick read for a final act, but
entertaining nonetheless. Poison Ivy makes a small cameo, one that
perhaps airs some gaps in communication at DC as far as character
design is concerned. The running subplot with Flash (no pun
intended) is also resolved via last issue's toxin explanation (which
I didn't completely understand). I'd like to continue seeing the
guest appearances as they help tie Batman's world to the rest of the

Art is once again the shining star in this installment: pencils,
inks, and color have a nice cumulative effect on the visuals, and
even though there are some weird faces here and there, the whole
experience is very easy on the eyes. The White Rabbit revelation
will have many readers saying "I knew it!" I was going for a more
outside the box mystery, but I like her -I also say "hot mess" a