Presented with a
format similar to that of an anthology book, and anchored by an
overarching story where Huntress and Power Girl test the
kryptonian's invulnerability, "Three Midnights" tells a solo
adventure for each of the Earth-2 refugees. Kara is obsessed with
finding a way back home, and has spared no expense to achieve that
purpose; this time, her search takes her to the Large Hadron
Collider. Somehow, this ends up with Power Girl wearing no clothes
-for the second time in the same issue- which is already a tired
theme in the still-young series.

Meanwhile, Helena
has a more grounded and interesting tale as she stops a shooter who
threatens to unleash chaos during a peaceful protest. The surprise
comes from Huntress' ballsy dialog -literally. I had no idea that
was allowed in mainstream comics. With three artists and three
inkers, the responsibility of delivering a cohesive experience falls
on Hi-Fi's colors. In general, a solid issue.