The first year of
Batgirl ends on a high note when the dominoed daredoll meets
Batwoman for the first time ever. This one is huge; two years ago
the team-up would have been unthinkable, only a dream; now it is a
sweet reality. The inner monologue was perfectly used, and Batgirl's
assessment of Batwoman during their fight quickly establishes
differences between one and the other, and clarifies to anyone who
doubts it: they are not redundant.

Lots of stuff in
this issue: The Disgraced gain some depth, the revelation of
Knightfall's associate comes as a surprise that was right in front
of everyone the whole time; the connection was obvious, and Jim
Gordon's anguish is but a sign of the disturbing times coming ahead.
Ardian Syaf simply excels, starting with the amazing spread that
renders homage to J.H. Williams III's style in Batwoman. A classic