After suffering a
bitter betrayal by Hermes, Wonder Woman and her friends regroup to
heal and plan their next move. Azzarello brings conflict to the
little band by adding a depowered Hera to their ranks and it doesn't
take long before drama unfolds. Meanwhile, Apollo, who now sits the
throne of Olympus, gathers his pantheon siblings to further conspire
against everyone else. Seeing all these deities together in their
new incarnations, proves how much effort the series' creators have
put into providing a fresh perspective on the characters.

The second part of
the issue focuses on Diana searching for yet another one of her many
godly relatives, and although the buildup drags on more than needed,
the payoff comes with the cliffhanger and the introduction of
Siracca. Tony Akins' style is much more similar to Cliff Chiang's
here than in previous issues; however, Matthew Wilson's colors are
the ones that really close the gap. Good start for the book's second