Jason Aaron adds
another hit to his résumé with "Born Warbird," featuring the origin
of the deadly Shi'ar warrior, bodyguard, and astonishing X-Man. The
timing for this tale could not have been more precise; the battle
between the Shi'ar and the Phoenix Five is the catalyst to reveal
the past of Ava'Dara Naganandini, and her sad, cruel, and devoid
upbringing. All three aspects of the character are gracefully penned
to show her inner tumult.

For anyone keeping track of things, Rachel Grey finally comes face
to face with the Death Commandos, albeit only one panel depicts
their fight, and Kid Gladiator shows a different side of him, but
this display of emotion might come at a high price. It is hard to
believe that Marvel has kept Wolverine on the sidelines since act II
of AvX started, allowing everyone else to shine; let's hope creators
realize he does not have to be on every team, on every book, on
everyt page. The art by Nick Bradshaw is A+.