Batwoman and Wonder
Woman descend on Gotham like guardian angels to stop the chaos
unleashed by Medusa and her forces. "Serpent's Homeland" is an
all-battle story, full of all the good stuff everyone loves to see
in a superhero book. Everyone gets a moment to shine amidst the war
and destruction taking place. Batwoman's blinding rage, Diana's
fight with the Hydra, Cameron Chase's ominous promise, and even the
unexpected roles Director Bones and La Llorona play in the drama,
are all continuous beats that build on each other to up the ante.

A favorite moment, however, is the timely return of a familiar face
that -as cliché as it sounds- rises from the ashes for a last-minute
rescue; what is even more exciting about it, is that it is still up
in the air whether this is a triumphant comeback or the meanest
defeat ever. Medusa's rant about the mother of all monsters is the
only part of the story that was probably unnecessary, but is by no
means detrimental to the plot; if anything, is informative.
Fantastic issue!