The updated origin
of Scarecrow by Gregg Hurwitz and David Finch continues. Mirror
Mirror explores Jonathan Crane's childhood and the disturbing events
in his early life that turned him into the damaged being he is
today. This part of the story is quite unsettling, and every panel
is marked by disquieting and even unpleasant elements that cause a
sense of uneasiness in the reader. If this was Hurwitz's goal, then
he certainly succeeded with his compelling writing.

Where things don't go so well is in Batman's part of the story. The
murder of his parents has been used many, many, many times in the
past as a plot device to get into the Dark Knight's head; and even
though the final page may offer a different angle this time around,
it is an episode that deserves to be put to rest for a while. Not
that it will happen, though... guess what issue #0 will be about?