Comics legend Walter Simonson lends a hand
to transition storylines in the main Avengers title from the "A.I.M."
arc to "AvX." Readers are lured with a crossover banner on the cover,
and given some sort of compliance by showing a two-page spread of the
battle in Utopia, but other than that, this is not really part of the
event. The issue quickly ties loose ends and puts the finishing touches
on the pointless plot involving A.I.M., that had nothing coming out of
it, except buying some time until the arrival of Marvel's new money

There were good things about the story, though; for instance, the focus
on Captain America and the overwhelming pressure he is under; Thor's
return is somewhat addressed, and a great interaction between he and the
Star Spangled Avenger was a nice moment. The twist at the end of the
issue came out of nowhere, and was clearly a last minute adjustment to
accommodate for the new Captain Marvel series.