Despite being in the
middle of an ongoing arc, this issue is a great jumping point as
British hero Lady Godiva introduces herself and several of her JLI
peers to new readers while fighting the menace of OMAC. The series
is cemented on tons of action combined with light moments; a mix
that doesn't always work, but in this title does just fine. Batwing
also joins the fold, which is a huge step to give the character much
deserved exposition, and provides the opportunity to win him new

Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan, and Hi-Fi deliver great artwork with
dynamic pages, clean lines, and crisp colors, while Dan Jurgens
moves the plot quickly, with a somewhat balanced attention to all
his characters, and overall keeping the story fast paced and
entertaining. The issue closes with things heating up in Paris as
the team heads right "Into the Firestorm". Fun issue!