Concurrent with AvX
#5, this tie-in touches on those members of the extinction team who
are not in the Moon with Cyclops, as well as the kids of Generation
Hope. Gillen does what he can to provide an independent story
through the Unit subpolt that started playing a few months back, but
this Phoenix business is all consuming, so the title has become
plaged of the the event-filler phenomenon that took over the
Avengers books in Benids' hands years ago.

Magneto, Psylocke, and Storm share a quite moment admist the
fighting, which is perhaps the best part of the issue. Unit, in the
meantime, reveals an old story that comes from the same place as the
recent developments in the main AvX title: out of nowhere. If this
is the reason why the Phoenix fragmented itself, then good luck with
the rest of your event, Marvel. Billy Tan returns to the pages of
Uncanny, and almost anyone who is not Greg Land, is more than
welcome. Meh issue.