Robin picks sides
and shows everyone "The Real Me." Tomasi inserts a lost chapter of
Bruce Wayne's early days into the Batman mythos, and through it has
introduced NoBody into his rogues gallery. The thing with this new
enemy, though, is that his vendetta is almost of a childish nature,
or at least that's how he is making it look like, despite the
crudeness of the reality in which it is rooted. NoBody just does not
have that je ne sais quoi other bat-villains have that makes them
endure through time.

Damian on the other
hand, is being magnificently written; one can never tell which road
he is going to take even though his attitude makes it seem like the
answer is obvious. This is a very complex character with lots of
layers and much depth. Batman's emotions are also being exploited
here in a way rarely seen before; very different to what is
happening over at "The Court of Owls," but just as intense.