Batman and Superman
quickly make amends after their scuffle from last month, as the Dark
Knight continues to solve the mystery behind the super powered
villains and tries to catch the White Rabbit. Art and dialog have a
weak start, led by the non-sense explanation of how the fear toxin
works; but they improve vastly during the second half of the book.
Coloring by Jeromy Cox is still A+.

The identity of the
true mastermind behind this new fear toxin would have been an actual
surprise, had DC not revealed it three months ago during
solicitations; this completely ruined the momentum of the story.
There is, however, one piece of the plot that remains interesting
and exciting: The White Rabbit. Subtle clues are thrown about her
true nature, and I can't wait to see whether my suspicions about it
are correct. Despite some flaws, the issue is overall a fun read.