What a fun issue!
This story does more for the characterization of guest star Green
Arrow than his own title has done in eight months. He is funny,
irreverent, with a social conscience, and even more important,
controversial. This issue confirms what had already been implied:
The League has remained static, unchanged, for the past five years;
not a very convincing move, but on the other hand, an exciting one
if the prospect of a roster expansion is in the horizon.

Strangely enough,
this is also an unofficial tie-in of sorts for "The Night of the
Owls," and as brief as this sequence was, it does a lot to make the
events in the Bat books more convincing; after all, how could Batman
face such a menace and not be helped by the League? This takes care
of that. A dark chapter of the League's past is revealed with
beautiful pencils by Ivan Reis. What a fun issue!