After reading Days Missing: Kestus #3 I
wondered whether we would ever see a time when The Steward fails.
Issue 3’s ending made that seem unlikely but issue 4 was full of
surprises and a thoroughly entertaining read.

It’s the dawn of a new millennium, the last
seconds of 1999 and Y2K fear is rife in the modern world. The
Steward is there to witness mans leap into the next millennium when
chaos strikes. Blackouts strike the city and The Steward immediately
thinks it is the work of Kestus until he folds the day and discovers
that she is there with him trying to prevent the blackouts as well.
The set-up made it seem like issue 4 was going to
forget what happened at the end of issue 3 but Kestus was good to
her word. Not only were readers treated to the Y2K setting but Phil
Hester shows us some Steward and Kestus action in the lead up to
World War I, the conclusion of World War II and an unknown new
world. Seeing the two of them interact during these huge, historic
events is one of the highlights of the series and it was nice to see
a few more events crammed into this issue yet have them remain
relevant to the story. One of those settings also answered my
question, yes there is a time when The Steward fails and Kestus
succeeds and a lot of issue 4 is an eye-opener to The Steward and
the reader as to just how useful and powerful Kestus really is.
The fourth issue also demonstrates that both
Kestus and The Steward have undergone a lot of growth as characters.
The Steward has grown in his appreciation of Kestus even though she
has long been his enemy she has also been the one constant in his
life and has often been able to show him things about people he did
not realize. Kestus has grown in terms of her evaluation of the
human race, realizing some of their potential but still holding onto
some of her earlier traits namely thinking that she is better than
the human race and that it needs her around so it won’t destroy
itself. The characters have also grown together with issue 4
demonstrating just how serious their relationship has become and
it’s not overly surprising consider how often the two meet and how
they are the one constant in each other’s lives. Due to this strong
relationship the dialogue between Kestus and The Steward is great
with some nice back and forth between the two like The Steward
claiming this is the sort of thing I’d assume you’d do when
discussing the Y2K fiasco with Kestus.
About the only problem this issue has comes from
thinking about the plot too much. Kestus has always been the thorn
in The Steward’s side and you can understand that because she is
powerful in her own right. Issue 4 presents a new villain who is
rather ordinary compared to Kestus and The Steward and if you think
about the logistics of this one man bringing about Y2K then the
story loses some of its believability.
Days Missing: Kestus
has had strong art over the course of the series and issue 4 is no
exception. Every issue looks like the time period it’s trying to
portray and even though there isn’t a lot of action the art keeps
you engaged with good use of body language and facial expressions
and there are nice touches like the fact that The Steward and
Kestus’s hair and coats blow in the wind as they are standing on top
of a tall building. The different time periods on show here also
demonstrate great variety in the art.
Days Missing: Kestus
has been a great series so far and issue 4 is another solid entry
into it. It really shows how the characters The Steward and Kestus
have developed over the series and it’s great to see the two of them
interact. If you don’t scrutinize the plot too much it’s another
great what-if sci-fi issue from Phil Hester and crew.