A bloody mess.
That's how Batgirl is left after being stabbed in the abdomen by her
new nemesis, Knightfall. Charise's role in the death of the Carnes
family is revealed, but regardless of her involvement in that crime,
her actions after that are what show how damaged she truly is.
Meanwhile, Batgirl, running on fumes, proves she is a hero through
and through; she is there to help the defenseless, despite their
past sins; this belief system of hers will soon be put to the test.

Even though the
clash with Knightfall is cut short, Gail Simone provides a pretty
scary view of the many dangers Batgirl has surrounded herself with;
the past year has been all about building a world for her to play
in, but now that game is about to get deadly. Even if she makes it
out unscathed from the Joker's attack on the bat-family, there are
terrible menaces waiting for her on the other side. Beautiful art by
Ed Benes, and a pretty cool die-cut cover; this issue's got it all.