Guess what? Kaine
died last issue, and we didn't even know it! And that's just page
one of this month's Scarlet Spider. Chris Yost pays a visit to the
horror genre to tell the second chapter of In the Midst of Wolves,
which has not only Scarlet Spider going through a horrific afterlife
encounter, but also has young Aracely running from the vicious Lobo

Last issue's
gruesome conclusion was only the beginning of a spine-chilling
journey for Kaine through a nightmarish landscape where he comes
across a creature from Spider-Man's past. Yost makes the whole
experience feel like The Exorcist meets Aliens, a very well done
sequence made even better by Khoi Pham's pencils; he is coming into
his own after his stint in this title. More background info should
have been given on the entity haunting Kaine and its connection to
Spider-Man, but thanks to that jaw-dropping cliffhanger, this can be
overlooked for now.