Zero month takes
readers back to Earth-2 when Helena Wayne first became Robin, and
the tragic events that shaped her friendship with Supergirl. Paul
Levitz surely had the best time writing this story, because the plot
and the dialog in it show it. Helena's relationship with her
parents, and what she learned and inherited from each makes of her
current self as Huntress a true half-Catwoman, half-Batman, whereas
in the past she had been mostly connected to the latter.

With Supergirl,
things are almost bittersweet. The Kara of Earth-2 was exactly what
the current Supergirl from the main Earth should be, but sadly
isn't. She is very reminiscent of the Silver Age Kara -Linda Lee
Danvers- down to the Secret Weapon angle. Kevin Maguire and Wes
Craig shine with fantastic artwork for the entire issue -keeping the
theme of the book as the whole thing is a flashback. We need to see
more of Robin and Supergirl's feats in Earth-2.