Captain Marvel's
adventure in the past alongside the Banshee Squad continues. After
an initial confrontation with the prowlers, Cap and her friends
capture an enemy, but Carol soon lets him go with the most defying
and daring warning one could give a foe; later, she teaches Daisy
Diddle a lesson about war. Both conversations show how
multidimensional DeConnick is making the character; it is a delight.

In the art
department, Soy gets more and more comfortable illustrating Cap,
which is proved here with the many dynamic and action oriented
panels he draws and colors. The only objection with this issue is
the short page count. The main story is only 16 pages, accompanied
with a two-page interlude featuring the departed Helen Cobb, and a
fun, old-vintage comic strip that provides a clue as to what
DeConnick's final purpose with this arc is.