Don't let the cover
kid you, because only two of the characters on it actually appear in
the issue; but don't let this disclaimer mislead you either; it was
a good issue. Just like New Avengers #24 told the story behind the
Avengers decision to descend on Utopia, this installment explains
why Wolverine chose to side with the Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Jason
Aaron went to great lengths to ensure this felt like a stand alone
book rather than a tie-in that cannot be understood without reading
ten others.

I am not a fan of
Chris Bachalo's style, but if there is one thing to say about it, is
that it is pretty consistent and extremely detailed; he is also in
charge of his own colors, which is a double duty seldom pulled by an
artist, so he deserves credit for that. The issue is charged with a
sense of inevitability, and the sequences featuring Warbird and
Gladiator provide the cosmic-scale extent of the Phoenix's ominous
arrival. Solid issue.