Noh-Varr's pointless
betrayal concludes in the aftermath of the space squad's
confrontation with the Phoenix. As its own story, this three-parter
reads okay; however, Marvel made sure it got promoted as an AvX
tie-in, and therein lies its downfall, because in the context of the
larger picture, the tale is redundant. In Secret Avengers the team
is backstabbed by Noh-Varr and Ms. Marvel a result of a yet
unrevealed influence; but by the time that story is over -thanks for
spoiling the outcome by the way- Protector betrays them yet again,
but of his own volition.

The senseless part
stems from the fact that he quickly realizes the error of his ways,
then tries to back off. If the character is seen again, chances are
all will be forgiven, which means the arc is absolute filler, and
thus far, of no consequence. Valkyrie, Vision, and Captain Britain
do nothing here. That said, it is great to appreciate the artwork of
a legend like Walter Simonson with the modern colors and effects
provided by today's talent.